Sunday 22 December 2013

Back on the Blogging Wagon

Blogging! Something I used to be so familiar with and now I am not. I miss it. Although I feel like blogging in my mid to late twenties is going to be very different from my teen years. For starters the passive aggressive indirect posts have to stop... unfortunately. Like I said I really do miss blogging and I can't tell you the amount of times I think about getting into it. It is hard to keep up though and with me already trying to juggle work, gym, social life, newly single life, living alone (and all the shit that comes with that) its hard! I am going to try though.

Those who know me know that I am not a wallflower by any means (at least when you get to know me ehehe). I have a lot of feelings/views/emotions about a lot of shit. I am either extremely passionate about something or do not give a fuck and thats the way its always been. So this blog is going to be just that. A lot of shit about a lot of random shit. Whether its my work, beauty reviews, new clothes, relationship issues, my knee issues, fitness, movies I've watched and loved/hated, new restaurants I have tried, London ramblings, its going to go here! If I manage to keep it up of course..

Anyway I will leave you with some purchases I made today -

A 14 years old web designer from Kairouan, Tunisia. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.

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